Living Green Ottawa is a directory of businesses and professionals striving to make the world a more sustainable place through their work.
The demand for green services and real-world sustainability solutions is outpacing the supply in the garden and landscape industry. Unfortunately, many businesses struggle to connect with the clients looking for what they have to offer. This site is intended to help make those connections.
On this site you will find professionals in a variety of fields, the connecting thread is that they are all related, in some way, to gardens, horticulture or nature. These are all independent businesses, which have been included on this site based on their values and what they have to offer to the green client. They are not subsidiaries nor are they subcontracted through Living Green Ottawa, please interview and research these companies as you would any other that you were considering doing business with.
Businesses do not pay to be included in the directory and there is no paid advertising on this site. (More about this)
If know of a business (including your own) which specializes in sustainable products or services related to gardens and landscapes in the Ottawa area that should be included in this directory, please contact me by email