
Living Green Ottawa

A Directory of Sustainable Solutions for your Garden and Life

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: If these listings aren't paid and you don't have any advertising, how in the world does this work?

I am the owner of a landscape design company that provides sustainable design services. I struggle to find a wide enough range of green professionals and products to recommend to my clients once they have a completed design. This directory is a way for me to build my network, which benefits my business, while also helping to grow the truly green part of the green industry. To me that is a win-win.

Q: How do I go about getting my business included in this directory?

A: Pitch it to me. What makes what you have to offer more sustainable from what everyone else is offering? You can email me your pitch. If it looks good and I can get some positive independent feedback or information about you I'll add you to the directory.

Q: I've had a bad experience with one of the businesses in your directory. How can I request that they be removed?

A: While every business can have a relationship or project go sour sooner or later, negative experiences can be a red flag. If you have concerns, please feel free to email an account of your experience and I'll review the listing in question.

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